Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why Your Family Should Watch The Amazing Race!‏


As some of you know, I've written about The Amazing Race series before. But I feel compelled to blog about it again! 

Now that summer is here and our children are staying up later, it's a bit more challenging to find age appropriate TV shows that we and our 7 year old and our 2 year old can watch together as a family. While I do enjoy a good Disney or Pixar movie, there's only so much animation that I can handle before getting blurry eyed and mumbly. Think Minion - but without the energy level! LOL

The Amazing Race is a show that my older child gets excited about! He loves the challenges, the struggles and the personal achievements. And so do we! But more than that, we love that he recognizes this in the show and hope that the perseverance and tenacity is forever lodged in his cerebral cortex for moments in the future. It also allows us the opportunity to open up dialogue on trying. Even when we don't think we can do it. Not to mention how we can overcome our psychological fear or apprehension about conquering a task. 

We always watch the first episode of the season and choose our top 3 teams immediately after they do their bios. Then, we watch the rest of the season together and cheer on our teams as they compete episode after episode. It's a show that allows us to all watch together, while cheering on our selected teams and giving each other some good-natured ribbing. All the while, our toddler is in on the action too, enjoying every minute of it, even if we aren't sure that he understands why. :)

Here's our top-3 picks for Season 3 of The Amazing Race Canada:



Our Oldest

Our Youngest
#1 - He's just happy to be there! 

Whether or not our picks turn out to be the champions this season, we will all be winners regardless. We will have spent quality family time together, creating memories and reinforcing values that we've already attempted to instill in our young ones. What's not to love?!

***** These views are mine, and mine alone. As with anything, you are responsible for assessing whether this item and/or activity is safe and suitable for your specific needs. InfoMommy does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any actions taken as a result of this blog post.*****

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