Friday, January 1, 2016

Energy Bites Kick Starts Your Health Resolutions!


'Tis the season for resolutions. Like many people, one of my top resolutions for 2016 is to eat better. Not only because it's just plain good for you, but also because I often find myself lacking energy throughout the day.

DK Publishing is releasing a new book later this month entitled Energy Bites. It includes a basic energy bite formula, as well as 15 recipes to create Timbit sized balls of goodness. The energy bite formula consists of a variety of nutritious elements broken down into categories such as nuts and seeds and sticky stuff, used to bind all the ingredients together. You can either use the recipes that are included in the book, or mix and match one ingredient from each category. You can also improvise with your own favorite ingredients to customize them to your taste and needs. 

All recipes included in the book are vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free, and claim to be energy packed and protein rich. There are both sweet and savoury recipes, some which are baked and some that are no-bake. Some of them are raw, and all of them are made without using refined sugars. So shhhh, don't tell the kids!  

Energy Bites includes a pictured list of the author's 20 top ingredients, everything from coconut oil to goji berries, and everything in between. Many of the ingredients can be found at your local grocery store. For the other ingredients, the easiest place to get them is at your local bulk food store. Not only will they carry most, if not all of the specialty ingredients listed in book, you can buy only the amount you need. Anything else can be purchased at most health food stores. 

Because most of these bites are made easily with a food processor, we're setting aside a couple of hours tomorrow to make a whole bunch of these at one time. By doing 1 big shop for the required ingredients, we can spend a couple of hours making large batches of these bites to put in the freezer. 

No more excuses for reaching into the cupboard for something less than ideal. Simply grab one, or a couple, from the freezer and let them defrost. Voilà! By making a bunch at once, there's only a single mess to clean up, which is a huge bonus. According to the book, they can be stored in the fridge for up to 1 week and in the freezer for 1 month. 

Energy Bites retails for $9.99 in both Canada and the U.S.

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