Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How Random Acts of Kindness Can Help You! 30 Tips to Get You Started!


The proof is in the pudding this morning, when it comes to doing random acts of kindness!

Last night our 1 year old was up a number of times throughout the night and we were so exhausted this morning when we woke up. I woke up pretty grumpy and my body may have been present to get my older one off to school, but my brain was still practically asleep! You know those nights when you have little ones, when you have the worst sleep and waking up you might as well be a zombie in a bad movie! LOL 

Well that was me this morning. After I dropped off my son at school, I headed over to the nearest coffee shop drive-thru for some "fuel".  When I went up to the drive-thru window to pay for my order, the cashier told me that the man in front of me had already paid for my order. After shaking off what I thought was a dream, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that this actually happened! It then occurred to me that I too could pay for the next person's order! Hopefully they would continue to do the same, brightening a number of people's day, with what started out as the purchase of one single hot beverage. We all have the power to make a difference in this world - be it big or small! Imagine!

I pulled out of that drive-thru feeling happier, lighter and more awake - and I hadn't even started drinking my caffeine filled drink yet! When I got back home, I started bringing in our recycling bins from garbage day, when it donned on me... I would bring in my neighbors' recycling bins too! Not to my own house, LOL but to their front steps and/or garage doors. And so what if they found out it was me or had no idea who did it for them? It might just be the thing that changes their bad day on a dime, and gets them to ponder what they can do to pay the kindness forward to someone else!  That man buying my cappuccino this morning got me seeing things differently. And I'm hoping it'll do the same for you!

I've already started to think of other things that I can do to brighten up someone else's day. Things that don't even cost a cent! Or barely anything! It's easy to simply think of ourselves and our immediate needs everyday when we are all caught up in the fray of life. But performing these small things each day help us to look further than ourselves and spread joy to others that may really need just one simple shred of kindness! And the joy spreads to yourself as well! Involve your kids, if you have them, and you've got a win-win situation. Just another way to help teach them thoughtfulness and compassion!

So I urge you to do random acts of kindness wherever you see an opportunity! Connect with someone! When you open yourself up to seeing what others' needs might be, or how you can contribute to making someone else's life better if even in the smallest of ways, take advantage! Because not only does it brighten up that person's day, it also feels absolutely amazing to do simple things for others! Especially when it's a secret as to who did it! That can make it even more fun! ;)

Here are some ideas to get you started! 

1) Buy a person's coffee who's behind you in line when at the drive-thru.
2) Bring in someone's recycling bins.
3) Bake some muffins/cookies and share with an elderly person or shut-in who might not normally get homemade treats like those! Kids can get involved in this too!
4) Smile and say "Good Morning" when passing by someone. 
5) Compliment someone on what they are wearing or a great job they are doing.
6) Show some gratitude by simply saying "Thanks so much!".
7) Offer to help someone load their car if you see they are struggling.
8) Let someone go first either in a line at the grocery store, or someone trying to change into your lane on the roadway.
9) Lend an ear to a senior who might just need that 1 person to talk to that day.
10) Pay for someone's meal at a restaurant.
11) Have you kids draw a card for someone that simply says "Have a great day!" and includes a drawing.
12) Make a donation, (either in-kind or monetary) to your local food bank.
12) Volunteer at an organization in your community that aligns with a cause that you feel close to.
13) If you see someone paying for something regular price at your grocery store that you know is on sale, offer to show the cashier the sale price on your smart phone, so they get a better price.
14) Take more time to show appreciation for what people do for you, whether it's your spouse, a cashier, the garbage man or someone like your doctor! 
15) Leave some change in a vending machine, coin laundry machine, or on top of the parking meter. Or if the meter is going to expire, pop the coin right in!
16) Cut your neighbour's lawn while you are doing yours. (Assuming they aren't particular about it gets done).
17) Pick up garbage on your neighbour's lawn that might have blown onto their property.
18) Recognize and praise one of your co-worker's extra efforts, or a job well done. Same goes for your child. 
19) Speak to the manager when you've had excellent customer service, not just when you're unhappy with something.
20) If you have something you no longer need, pass it along to someone who can make use of it. 
21) Shovel snow for someone who needs the help, like a local senior, or for your neighbour in general. 
22) Offer to buy or give a construction worker a bottle of cold water on a hot day or a cup of coffee on a cold day. 
23) Offer to buy a homeless person a sandwich or a coffee, donut, etc.. Or share some homemade treats. 
24) Hold the door open for someone. 
25) Leave a little love note inside your child or your partner's lunch bag. 
26) Contact your child's school principal or counsellor to see if there are any needy families. Find out what in particular might be helpful and provide that anonymously. 
27) Donate your old winter coats that are still in good condition to a local charity that ensures they get to those in need. Particularly so for kids' coats! 
28) Buy or pick someone some flowers. 
29) Offer to pick up a few items at the grocery store for an elderly neighbour or shut-in. Or for a neighbour in general.  
30) Encourage others to do random acts of kindness and share how it brings you joy and brightens your day!

Hoping your day gets brighter like mine did! :)

***** These views are mine, and mine alone. As with anything, you are responsible for assessing whether this item and/or activity is safe and suitable for your specific needs. InfoMommy does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any actions taken as a result of this blog post.*****


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