Friday, August 14, 2015

Graphic Abortion Images Around Children - The Right Way To Spread The Anti-Abortion Message? Not in My Opinion!


Whether you are for or against abortion, or lie somewhere in the middle, displaying very graphic images to children when you know that they are there is shameful! At least in my humble opinion. It's not about it being offensive to me, I can handle it.

For me, it's about how displaying these images to young children is going to help your movement. Perhaps I have followers that practice this form of protest or perceived education. I'm curious to understand how specifically you think this is the right way to spread the message. And how on earth you can honestly think that displaying these images with young children looking at them is OK. While I used to think that young children weren't the intended market, I have to question whether or not that is really the case. Are the protesters really trying to fuel the fires by having children ask their parents what the images are illustrating? Either way, I think the children are the collateral damage. If it is important to protect an innocent unborn child, should it not also be paramount to protect the ones that have been born? 

Before anyone asks me if I have my back up because I might have had an abortion - I haven't. I've always known that it was not the choice for me personally.  But who am I or is anyone else to judge others and the situations that they may have been in when they chose to go that route? Just like I don't know the circumstances, neither do the protesters. And if we don't know, who are we to be the authority? 

I'd also like to question the images that are being shown and what gestation the images are portraying. I have a feeling that many of the images I saw yesterday depict pregnancies that were a lot further along than most abortions, strictly for the purposes of sensationalism. At least from what I could tell. 

While walking down the street on a sidewalk yesterday, my child had to walk through a large pathway of  8-12 massive sized graphic images, each picture the same size or bigger than the hood of most cars. Can someone please enlighten me on how this is believed to be an acceptable method to promulgate the anti-abortion message? Can there not be any discretion around children? 

I'm open to having a discussion on any topic. But for me, this method of spreading the word turns me off completely from wanting to discuss this issue with the anti-abortion advocates I saw yesterday. It leads me to believe that I can't have a reasonable discussion with this type of proselytizing. Especially when I can't even do so with my children around  If you can't respect and care for my born child, how on earth are you going to respect me, no matter my beliefs on this issue? Truth be told, it has me questioning whether you really care for innocent unborn children at all. 

Clearly, they have accomplished one thing besides angering me with exposing their inappropriate propaganda to my children - it's got you and I talking about it!

***** These views are mine, and mine alone. As with anything, you are responsible for assessing whether this item and/or activity is safe and suitable for your specific needs. InfoMommy does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any actions taken as a result of this blog post.*****

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