Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hey Mom - I Pooped On Your Kettle!

I think I’ve been pooped on more today than I’ve pooped all week! LOL Memories of being a child and my dad jokingly singing “Campbell’s soup makes you poop – down your leg and in your boot!” are coming back to mind…. (Settle down Campbell’s!! I’m not dissin’ your soup or any of your other products, in fact I’m a big fan of your stuff! LOL) Don’t ask me where my dad got that saying from back in the early 80’s, but it definitely sticks in your mind… (I think I’m dating myself by telling you that! LOL)

Our little guy has the runs…. And I don’t mean like a morning jog kind of runs… I mean like a full on marathon!!! Coming out the sides & running of the diaper like we’re at the Boston Marathon… And how did I find that out you ask?

Well, I was trying to get some stuff done this morning, so I opened up our pots and pans cupboard (which is normally locked) and let him go to town banging them around and laying them all over the kitchen floor. No biggie, right? Just a little noise to contend with is all I’m thinking.

We have a stainless steele kettle stored in there too, which he really likes to play with. A few minutes later he comes over to me with the kettle. I have no idea what he wants me to do with it, when I realize that there’s a little bit of rusty looking liquid on it. Just a small amount… So what would anyone assume? That maybe a little bit of water was left over the last time we used it, so maybe it got a little rusty? So I wipe it off and give it back to him.

I then pick him up and woah! – What is that liquid coming out all over me??!! And why is it yellowy brown?? OMG, he’s just pooped all over me – and why doesn’t it stink??!!! (Does it occur to me that that was poop on the kettle? No ma’am! – it was morning, so you have to cut me some slack on that one. LOL) I go to change the poor child and my husband yells up at me - “Hey Hon – I think he left some evidence down here!”

We come back down (my son with a fresh diaper and me with a whole change of clothes) to discover that in fact he had left a trail right around where he was playing with the pots! (Where’s the health inspector now?!) And then it occurred to me – OMG the kettle!

And here I was thinking he brought the kettle over for me to play with! Smart lil’ guy, I tell ya! (And for those wondering… No, I did not put the pots back into the cupboard! LOL I put them all in the dishwasher on the Sanitary cycle, which promises to sterilize what’s being washed.) And will I use the kettle again? Probably not! LOL

***** These views are mine, and mine alone. As with anything, you are responsible for assessing whether this item and/or activity is safe and suitable for your specific needs. InfoMommy does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any actions taken as a result of this blog post.*****

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