Thursday, July 10, 2014

35 Free Activities + 10 Bonus "Almost" Free Ideas of Things to Do With Your Kids This Summer!


After the initial elation regarding not having to make any more school lunches for a few months passed, I was quickly met with the realization that I hadn't thought too much about what exactly we were going to do all summer long to keep the kidlets happy & occupied!

So I started to compile a list for myself and thought I'd do the same for my you, my loyal InfoMommy followers, as I know that you're likely in the same boat too! (Ahhhh, wish I was on a boat right now! LOL)

So here's InfoMommy's list of FREE things to do to amuse yourselves this summer, along with a couple of bonus almost-free activities too!

1)  Take a trip to the local library to rent books, movies, video game for free! (Some communities are even offering free transit to those en route to their local library, which makes it a double bonus if transit is something different for you and your kids!)
2)  Park hop to check out all the different playgrounds in your area!
3)  Hop around to all the Splash Parks in your community and don't be afraid to get in yourself! ;)
4)  Organize playdates with friends and other moms!
5)  Join online mommy groups on Facebook etc to be in the know if things arise for free in your neighbourhood and to meet up with other like-minded families!
6)  Set up a sprinkler in your yard!
7)  Head to a local beach!
8)  Have a picnic!
9)  Get in touch with parents of your child's school buddies to set up a playdate!
10) For older kids, keep a journal every day of their summer experiences and activities that they've done throughout the summer, including pictures, leaves, etc!
11) Switch up your water table by putting sand in it, or vice versa! (Or try getting a cheap one off Kijiji!)
12) Inquire to see if the arts community in your area are putting on any free child-friendly concerts throughout the summer!
13) Attend or call your local Early Year's Centre both for activities to do there and also to find out what they know going on in your community!
14) Make sock puppets with leftover material or an old sock, buttons, etc!
15) Make a puppet theatre out of an old box for your sock puppets!
16) Ask to see if any organization in putting on outdoor movies throughout the summer months!
17) Have a Lego building competition to see what everyone comes up with! You can either let them come with whatever they want or give them a theme!
18) Go to a Lego store if you have one in your area, as they often have free builds, or a free play area within the store for your kids to use!
19) Get your kids to wash your car for/with you! (Double bonus! LOL)
20) Have a drawing competition outside with sidewalk chalk! (Or inside with paper if it's a rainy day!)
21) "Paint" the sidewalk with water using old paintbrushes and a bucket of water!
22) Make your own giant bubbles and bubble wands!
23) Call your local Fire Dept, Police Station or Safety Village to see if they have any kid related events throughout the summer and/or if you can organize a tour of the facility! (ie: Cops & Fishing, etc)
24) Use sidewalk chalk to draw different hopscotch designs!
25) Play board games and/or swap some with other friends to change up what games you have available to play! (Or hit up garage sales for them!)
26) Bake something! (Some websites/apps let you enter key ingredients that you have on hand and gives you recipe suggestions.)
27) Check out the internet for kid-friendly science experiments using household ingredients that you already have.
28) Plan some random acts of kindness for those in need! Or just because!
29) Check out your local Home Depot or other building supply store to see when their free children's build clinics are!
30) Check out your local craft store like Michael's to see when their free kids' craft workshops are!
31) Create an alphabet or number treasure hunt where the kids have to find something for each letter/number! (Double learning bonus!)
32) Crank up the music and have a dance party! Switch up the genre of music and change your dance moves! (Double bonus for burning calories at the same time!)
33) Check out your local greenhouses to see if they have any kid play areas or activities!
34) Build a fort inside with couch cushions and blankets or sheets!
35) Make your own play-doh!

1) Buy some reading/writing/counting activity workbooks at the dollar store to keep up with what they have learned throughout the school year or help prepare them for Kindergarten!
2) Play-doh! (If you have to go out and buy some! Dollar Stores often have it now!)
3) Tour some of your local conservation areas
4) Visit local farms with child friendly attractions and activities
5) Take an outing to the dollar store to get some cheap craft supplies
6) Buy a white board & dry erase markers and re-use them to draw silly faces or play pictionary (Small ones are great for road trips!)
7) Play a round of mini-putt golf!
8) Buy some wooden birdhouses or other items from the dollar store to put out in your yard.
9) Hopefully a bird will move in, giving you another bonus activity - birdwatching! (With or without binoculars!)
10) Get some take-out and make yourself an impromptu picnic!

ENJOY!!! :)

***** These views are mine, and mine alone. As with anything, you are responsible for assessing whether this item and/or activity is safe and suitable for your specific needs. InfoMommy does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any actions taken as a result of this blog post.*****


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