Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Be a Sky Rover Voice Command Helicopter Pilot!


Many kids dream of being a pilot, but not many actually get to try it out. 

While it may not be like flying an actual aircraft, the Sky Rover Voice Command Helicopter gets them age-appropriately close within an indoor environment. 

This remote control Sky Rover Voice Command Helicopter allows the user to speak twelve pre-determined voice commands into the accompanying headset, which will power the helicopter. Whether you want to turn left, right, go forwards or backwards, or even pull a U-turn, it does it all. It has real working lights, and you can also hover and fly on auto-pilot. Alternatively, you can also fly the helicopter in traditional mode using the accompanying controller. The remote controller requires 3 AAA batteries, and the helicopter itself contains a rechargeable battery which can be recharged by USB on your computer. This remote control helicopter is designed for indoor use only and recommended for those 8 years and over.

My son thinks this toy is pretty cool. Because he was initially nervous to try out the voice commands, he began by mastering how to fly it using the regular remote control device. Once he felt comfortable with that, he moved on to using voice commands. That got him pretty excited and feeling like quite the little pilot! It can be flown for about 6 minutes per flight and controlled up to 10 meters away. We found that it took about 20 minutes of flying before it required charging, which took about 30 minutes. 

The great thing about this helicopter is that if you accidentally fly it into a wall or crash land it, the helicopter will fall to the ground. Ours crashed quite a few times initially when my son was first trying to master landing the aircraft. So far, it's taken the beating well. It also comes with some replacement parts so that if it did break, you will likely have the parts to put it back together. Overall, while being a delicate toy by nature, it does seem pretty sturdy with regular, responsible use.  It has sustained all falls very well so far. One other cool thing it can do is prop itself right side up again if it falls on its side! 

The Sky Rover Voice Command Helicopter is available at most toy retailers across Canada and the U.S., and retails for approximately 39.99USD/$59.99CAN.

Happy piloting!

***** These views are mine, and mine alone. As with anything, you are responsible for assessing whether this item and/or activity is safe and suitable for your specific needs. InfoMommy does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility and/or liability for any actions taken as a result of this blog post. *****

1 comment:

  1. This is on reference to the Sky Rover Stalker made by the same company,my comment is I've bought several of their products including the Stormwolf and every one of them I bought there is a flaw,the tail motor does not work,brand new out of the box first flight and the tail motor does not work.
    I don't just mean one chopper but every one of them I bought was like that,I made a carrier from going back and forth to wal mart.
    I'm only saying this to save some poor soul from going through what I went through.
    Very displeased with this company and wal-mart as well for not trying to work with me on making it right.
    Please don't buy from this company you will regret it.
